This note covers Indian agriculture, Agriculture in pre independent India, Agriculture in independent India.
Author(s): H Pathak, JP Mishra and T Mohapatra
447 Pages
This note covers environmental concerns, Environmental impacts, Climate change, Ecological diversity and agriculture and emerging issues.
Author(s): S N Arthi
58 Pages
This lecture note explains the following topics: The evolution of agriculture, Agro ecosystem, Impact of agriculture on environment, Impact of environment on agriculture, Sustainability the new paradigm, Land, Water, Biodiversity, Energy, Off farm inputs, Integrated resource management, Integrated farming systems, Integrated disease, Pest and weed management, Imperatives, New technologies, Agricultural waste management and Alternative management.
Author(s): The Peoples University
398 Pages
This lecture note covers the following topics: demand for farm products, Supply of farm products, Economics of production and resource use and instability in agriculture, Risk and uncertainty, Rural money market, Labour market, Types of employer employee relationship, Land and lease markets and Economics of share tenancy.
Author(s): NA
178 Pages
This note covers Agriculture, Horticulture and Plantation Crops, Agricultural Engineering, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Sugar, Seed Certification and Organic Certification, Agricultural Marketing and Agri Business, Tamil Nadu Watershed Development Agency and Demand.
Author(s): NA
254 Pages
This PDF Training Manual for Organic Agriculture covers the following topics related to Agriculture : Introduction to Organic Agriculture, Considerations for Conversion to Organic Agriculture, Mixed farm, Degraded land, Water Management in Organic Agriculture, Crop Planning and Management in Organic Agriculture, Nutrient Management in Organic Agriculture, Pest and Disease Management in Organic Agriculture, Weed Management in Organic Agriculture, Soil Cultivation and Tillage in Organic Agriculture, Plant Propagation in Organic Agriculture, Animal Husbandry in Organic Agriculture.
Author(s): Nadia Scialabba, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation
105 Pages
Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy, as we are growing hundreds of cereals, pulses, oil seeds, fruits and vegetables. Topics covered includes: Agricultural Production and Management, Production and Management of Horticultural Crops, Animal Husbandry and Dairying, Post Production Handling, Packaging and Processing of Animal Products, Seed Production and Nursery Management, Entrepreneurial Skill Development.
Author(s): Central Board of Secondary Education
208 Pages
The Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, is playing a pivotal role in design and development of crop varieties,technologies and farm implements to suit the prevailing situations and adapt to the climate change scenarios. This book provides guidance to the production of following crops: Rice, Millets, Wheat, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fibre Crops, Sugarcane , Sweet Sorghum, Tropical Sugarbeet, Forage Crops, Green Manure Crops, Mushroom Cultivation , Composting And Industrial Waste Water, Agro Forestry, Integrated Farming System, Weeds, Soil Related Constraints and Their Management , Chisel Technology, Surge Irrigation, Micro Irrigation, Agrometeorology, Farm Implements And Machinery .
Author(s): Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
460 Pages
The object in presenting the book to the general public is the hope that it may be of assistance to farmers, students and teachers, in their search for the fundamental truths and principles of farming. Topics covered includes: Roots, Soils, Relation Of Soils To Water, Forms Of Soil Water, Loss Of Soil Water, Soil Temperature, Plant Food In The Soil, Seeds, Seed Planting, Spading And Plowing, Harrowing And Rolling, Leaves, A Fertile Soil, Soil Water, Farm Manures, Commercial Fertilizers, Rotation Of Crops, Farm Drainage.
Author(s): Charles L. Goodrich
NA Pages
This book covers a wide array of topics on the subject Urban Horticulture and constitutes a valuable reference guide for students, professors, researchers, builders, and horticulturists concerned with urban horticulture, city planning, biodiversity, and the sustainable development of horticultural resources.
Author(s): Shashank Shekhar Solankey
NA Pages