Besides the printed instructions further down on this page, we have two great video build tutorials created by Teaching Tech, a great YouTube channel. Please consider subscribing to "Teaching Tech," as they have great 3d printing related videos. The printed instructions are diagrams may still be helpful in conjunction with these videos.
This is an overview video showing the general build procedure in just a few minutes. If the video does not play on your device (or you want full screen), go directly to YouTube with this link: Vorpal Quick Build Overview Video
This is a detailed build video for the Bare Bones version of the Gamepad. If you have a Quick Build kit, all of the wiring is already done so you can skip a lot of this video. It is useful for showing how to place the components in the plastic case, which is the same procedure for Quick Build.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The kit was simplified after this video was made, there is no longer any power switch retainer plastic part. The power switch simply snaps into the gamepad housing directly without any screws.
If the video does not play on your device (or you want full screen), go directly to YouTube with this link: TEACHING TECH GAMEPAD BUILD VIDEO
If the video below does not play on your device (or you want full screen), go directly to YouTube with this link: TEACHING TECH ROBOT BUILD VIDEO
IMPORTANT NOTE: This video was made using the "Bare Bones" kit which requires a lot more assembly than the current "Quick Build" kits. It may still be useful for reference, because many of the steps are the same, such as plugging the servo wires into the servo controller. But there is no longer any need to make individual wire connections to the nano, for example, so those parts of the video can be skipped if you have the Quick Build kit.
These are included in the Deluxe version of our kit. They're mainly useful for Scratch programming activities.
You can find all the current STL files here: VORPAL FILES. Go to the STL folder. The Vorpal Hexapod STLs are in the subfolder ROBOT and the gamepad parts are in GAMEPAD. There are subfolders with accessories (such as sensor housings and game pieces).
This project has been finely tuned to make it easy to 3D print. No supports are required for any of the parts. In some cases you may want to use brims or rafts to help parts adhere to the print surface. There is minimal bridging, never farther than about 15mm (5/8"). Some of the parts do require some flexibility, for example the sides of the servo compartments need to bend outward while the servos are inserted, they then snap back into place when the servo is completely inserted. This means brittle plastics like PLA are not the best choice for this project. (Although we have made PLA hexapods and they do work if you're careful when inserting the servos).
This page assumes you have basic familiarity with 3D printing and 3D printing terminology. If not, you might want to reference online materials such as youtube videos or information from your 3D printer manufacturer before attempting this project.
If you are 3D printing the plastic parts (as opposed to buying them pre-printed), here are some tips.
You will need the following tools:
Sometimes the servo motor gearbox will get locked up when sitting for a long time, for example during shipping, especially in cold weather. The following procedure will ensure they work properly. (Note: Some MG90S servo bags distributed in the past with our kits say not to turn the servo horn, these instructions supercede that note on the bag).
If any servo fails to move with modest pressure and a gentle rocking motion, put a mark on that servo, near where the wire comes out. It will most likely unfreeze when power is applied, but you need to keep an eye on it for now.
After installing the nuts, put the wingnuts on the bottom screws. They'll be used later to secure accessories.
New Version Switch Installation:
Old Version Switch Installation (before about mid October 2019):
The servo horn should come straight out from the body at a 90 degree angle as shown here. Do not turn the servo shaft by hand until after it has moved under power!
Align the leg hinges as shown here. The bumps (see arrows) should both be near each other when properly aligned. Hold one in each hand with the ends of the U shape between thumb and forefinger.
Here one bar has already been inserted, the other is being put into place. Notice the orientation, don't put it in upside down. The little nubs at the end should be facing the caddy.
Insert the servo controller so it is sandwiched between the bar and the electronics caddy. Wires not shown for clarity.
Insert the Nano so that the USB port faces out away from the electronics caddy, this allows you to access it without disassembling the robot.
This is what the underside of the electronics caddy looks like after inserting the Servo Controller and Arduino Nano. Wires not shown for clarity.
When fully inserted, the indicator light will still be visible through the small oval. The wires should be tucked into the little cavity near the pins of the HC05.
To go beyond demo mode, you need to build the Vorpal Gamepad. The Vorpal Gamepad allows you to call up many different actions by the hexapod such as walking, turning, dancing, or fighting. The gamepad can also be used as a transmitter to allow Scratch programs to wirelessly control your robot from a computer.
If you DO NOT have a "QuickBuild" version of our kit, then you must first assemble the electrical components of the gamepad as follows. Please SKIP this entire section if you have a QuickBuild version of our kit, and proceed to Part 2.
Layout of Electronic Boards. Left to right: Arduino Nano, HC05 Bluetooth Module, and SD Card reader. (wires are left out of diagram for clarity)
STEP 6: Detect D-PAD Style Turn the gamepad's switch to the OFF (0) position, then insert a charged 9v battery. Hold down the top button on the D-PAD module (the one above the grouping of four directional buttons). While still holding this button, turn the switch to the ON (1) position, you should see lights come on inside the gamepad. Count slowly to ten, then release the D-PAD button. This procedure causes the gamepad to detect what kind of D-PAD is being used so that it may interpret the button presses correctly. You only need to do this once (or after swapping in a new D-PAD module, for example after a repair). The setting is stored in nonvolatile EEPROM on the gamepad's Arduino Nano.
STEP 9: Warning Label There were two a self-stick choking hazard warning labels in the hexapod parts bag. You used one for the robot. Peel the backing off the other and place it on the bottom of the gamepad, being sure not to interfere with the battery drawer.
When you assembled the servo horns onto the servos, you probably were not able to get them all to come out exactly at a 90 degree angle. That's not your fault: the servo horns only have 22 possible positions in which they can be installed, so at best you can come within plus or minus 8 degrees of perfection.
Now that you have the gamepad working, you can make fine adjustments to the servo positions using "Trim Mode". In this special gamepad mode, you can adjust all the servos. These adjustments are saved in the robot's EEPROM, which is memory on the Nano that retains data even when powered off. So, you only need to trim once.
Complete instructions on how to use trim mode are in the wiki page: Vorpal The Hexapod Trim Mode Guide.
NOTE: although this step is optional, it is recommended because your robot will walk straighter and all the servos will share equally in lifting the robot's weight, which will make them last longer.
Most of the accessory pieces require no assembly, or just require press fitting magnets into round holes or attaching self-stick velcro.
When inserting magnets, the rule is: anything that attaches to the robot via the accessory port screws should have the dimpled side of the magnet showing, and anything that is supposed to attach to the robot or a screwed-on accessory should have the dimple side down, not showing.
Based on this rule, the dimpled side of the magnet should not show for these items:
And the dimple should be showing for these items:
The light sensor and ultrasonic rangefinder sensor can be assembled with two screws each. The sensor module is sandwiched in between two plastic pieces. These screws are in the Deluxe Parts Bag. The screws will self-thread into the plastic. Do not overtighten or you will strip the plastic and the screws won't hold. When the screw head is all the way down, stop turning.
The ultrasonic rangefinder sensor attaches to the accessory port screws.
The light sensor wedges into one of the slotted holes in the cap.
NOTE: If you have a QuickBuild version of our kit, this information is for reference only. All the connections are already made in QuickBuild kits. This information is primarily for Bare Bones kit builders, or self-source parts builders. It is also useful if you are an advanced user who may want to add new electrical components or modify the system.
This section is for self-source builders and Bare Bones Kit builders. Quickbuild kits are pre-wired and electrical systems are fully tested, so you can skip this section if you have a Quickbuild kit.
There are two different lengths of female-female Dupont jumper wires used to make most connections. The longer ones (20cm) are only used for the Hexapod's accessory port connections. The shorter ones are used for all the connections on the Gamepad and all the connections on the Hexapod between the Arduino Nano, Servo controller and Bluetooth module.
Please follow these conventions when selecting wire colors:
Sometimes you will find a wire whose connector does not grip the pin well enough. It might fall off very easily or just by gravity alone. If that happens, you have a few options:
NOTE: If you are using our Quickbuild kit, this information is for reference only. Quickbuild kit wiring is already completed and tested.
Diagram of Nano connections for the Hexapod. Jumpers marked AP are routed to the Accessory Port for use with add-ons like sensors. Click for larger image.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The red Dupont connector coming off the switch/battery assembly must go to VIN and never +5V, because the battery voltage is much higher than +5 volts. You will more or less instantly destroy your Nano if you put unregulated battery power directly into the +5V pin. The VIN pin has its own voltage regulator. The +5V pin on the Nano will be used to provide regulated power to the Bluetooth module.
Diagram of Servo Controller pins you will use in this project. Each servo motor has a 3 wire connector. Match the brown servo wire with the black color coded pin in its servo port, match the yellow wire with the yellow pin. Click for larger image.
The 20cm wires connected to the Nano and Servo Controller provide access to digital ports, analog ports, and power for accessories such as sensors, lights, or other projects. These wires should be bundled up near their unconnected ends (a rubber band works well for keeping them all together) and routed to the large opening below the accessory port hex head screws on the chassis. When there is no accessory in use, these wires can remain tucked inside the accessory port. When needed, pull them out a few inches and connect to sensors or other electrical accessories.
When building the robot you routed longer jumper wires (20cm) to the accessory port. You need four of these wires to use the Ultrasonic Rangefinder:
The Scratch block assumes you've used this setup.
We are providing two sets of power connectors at the accessory port for sensors or other accessories. RED/BLACK and ORANGE/BROWN each respectively provide +5V/GND. It's up to you what things you want to connect using these. You could have one or two sensors, you could have a sensor and some kind off motorized accessory (small motor only!). You could have a sensor and an LED light strip, etc.
Nothing is stopping you from creating a Y connector to make additional power connections, except that there is a limit of 3 amps of current that you can pull from the battery/BEC system. The robot itself needs up to 2.5 amps during fast motions. But many sensors can operate on just a few milliamps. Adding a motorized accessory is where you would need to be careful about how much current you're pulling from the system. If you pull too much current, typically the BEC will overheat and go into thermal protection mode, which will shut down all the motors until you reboot the robot. It is possible to use a mini servo or two under moderate load for a motorized accessory (for example our grip arm add-on kit), but a full sized servo under heavy load would likely be too much. Use caution when designing your own accessories, especially if they are going to use more than a few hundred milliamps of current.
NOTE: If you have a QuickBuild version of our kit, this information is for reference only. All the connections are already made in QuickBuild kits. This information is for Bare Bones kit builders, self-sourced parts, or if you are an advanced user who may want to add new electrical components or modify the system.
Getting & Giving Vorpal