If you have been the victim of workplace discrimination or harassment in California, you can file a complaint with the Civil Rights Department (CRD). This office was formerly known as the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH), so the filing is still referred to as a DFEH Complaint. 5 key steps to take to file a successful one are:
If you have an employment lawyer, he or she can help you take these steps.
The Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) is a civil rights law that forbids unlawful harassment, discrimination, and retaliation in the workplace. However, there are some situations where it will not cover your case, such as when:
For example, the FEHA only covers the following employers:
However, this does not include:
Additionally, you have 3 years from the date of the unlawful activity to file your DFEH complaint.[3] This is the statute of limitations. If you wait longer than that to file your complaint, it will be thrown out.
If you have a valid claim, the next step is to gather evidence that supports it. What evidence is relevant will depend on the claim, itself.
For example, if you are filing a claim of workplace discrimination, pertinent evidence may be:
However, if your DFEH complaint would be for retaliation, some types of relevant evidence would be:
An employment attorney with experience helping others through this step can make a huge difference.
The CRD may not be the only place to file your complaint. Typically, the options are to file a:
The CRD accepts complaints that allege the following violations of the FEHA:
The federal EEOC accepts claims alleging violations of Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Title VII and the FEHA mirror each other closely. However, there are some differences in the laws that might alter where it is best to file your complaint.
Filing a lawsuit in state or federal court typically requires you to exhaust your administrative remedies, first. This means going through the CRD or EEOC claims process and obtaining a right to sue letter.[5] However, limited exceptions to this rule might make this option available to you.
The filing of a DFEH complaint, also referred to as a pre-complaint inquiry, triggers an investigation. At this point, you are the “complainant.”
You will be contacted by an investigator soon after the complaint has been filed. An intake hearing will take place. During that interview, which typically happens over the phone, you will be asked questions about what happened.[6]
If the investigator thinks that there is a valid claim, he or she will provide you a complaint form. This is a description of the events that took place that you are claiming were unlawful. If the description is accurate, you can sign and return it to the CRD.[7]
The signed complaint form is then served on your employer. They then become the “respondent.” They will have 30 days to respond to it.[8]
While the CRD investigates your claim, you and your employer may negotiate a resolution. If you go through CRD’s free mediation process, the investigation process will pause while talks are ongoing.
Most DFEH complaints are resolved through mediation or negotiation.
If the investigation closes and the case has not already been mutually resolved, CRD will release a report of its findings. The CRD can also:
The right to sue letter allows you to file a lawsuit in court.
Filing your DFEH complaint, also referred to as the initial intake form, sets the following process into motion:
Remember that this is just the administrative stage of the case. Typically, you will have to go through this before you can file a civil lawsuit in court.
Having the legal advice of a lawyer with experience handling unlawful discrimination cases is essential for achieving success.
In addition to the CRD, the federal EEOC can handle a complaint of workplace discrimination in California. It has district offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles and several local offices across the state.
The EEOC enforces federal employment discrimination laws, most notably Title VII.
However, California’s law offers more protections and benefits to workers in the state. For example, FEHA does not cap financial compensation for your emotional distress, while Title VII does. If conduct seems to violate both state and federal laws, it is often better to advance under California’s FEHA.
Legal References:
[1] California Government Code 12926(d) GOV.
[3] California Government Code 12960 GOV.
[4] California Government Code 12940 GOV.
[5] See California Government Code 12965(b) GOV.
[6] 2 California Code of Regulations (CCR) 10007(b).