Janet brown healthcare quality handbook free download

The 29th Edition of The Healthcare Quality Handbook: A Professional Resource and Study Guide is an excellent tool for those preparing for the CPHQ Certification Exam. It is revised annually to cover content in the most current CPHQ Exam Content Outline and incorporate new, relevant information important to the field.

Member Price: $199

Non-Member Price: $255

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Tag(s) Book, Leadership, HQ Principles, Performance and Process Improvement, Quality and Accountability, Regulatory and Accreditation, CPHQ Prep


The new 29th Edition of Janet’s Handbook has been updated and revised for 2016 based on the current 2016 Content Outline for the CPHQ Exam. The Handbook is revised annually to provide the most current information available for those seeking a comprehensive look at the field of healthcare quality or preparing for CPHQ Certification.

Contains eight chapters, each with a detailed Table of Contents: Healthcare Quality Concepts, Strategic Leadership, Quality Functions Management, Performance Improvement Processes, Information Management, People Management, Standards and Surveys, and U.S. Programs and Legislation

Written by Janet A Brown, BA BSN RN CPHQ FNAHQ

Published 2016 by JB Quality Solutions, Inc.

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National Association for Healthcare Quality
8735 W. Higgins Road, Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60631

Purchasing this Handbook does not guarantee that you will pass the CPHQ Examination.