3.4 Preparing For BAR Admission – A Timeline
To demystify the bar admission process, familiarize yourself with the checklist below, which is organized around a timeline. Also be sure to review the bar support page on the CUNY School of Law website featuring videos on a variety of topics, from picking a bar prep course to applying for admission to practice. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Executive Director of Bar Preparation and Licensing.
Your 1L-2L Years
- Make sure that you’ve disclosed to the Office of Academic Affairs any traffic violations and anything that could be construed as a record in the criminal justice system—including arrests, tickets or convictions, and disciplinary actions taken by educational institutions after the elementary school level. This is important because the question of whether you’ve made all disclosures comes up when you apply to get licensed (in New York, it’s called the “Character and Fitness” application).
- Take theMultistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE)before you graduate. It is required for admission to the bars of all but four U.S. jurisdictions. It’s important to get this requirement out of the way because passing the MPRE is a prerequisite to applying to become admitted as an attorney. This exam can be taken any time after your first year of law school. TheCUNY Law bar prep programadvises that 1L-FT students take the MPRE during the summer following completion of their 1L year. Part-time students are advised to take the exam during the summer following their 2L year. Students are advised to take the MPRE early in their law school tenure to prevent delays to bar admission. New York graduates who pass the bar exam, but not the MPRE, are considered “uncertified” and therefore ineligible to apply for admission to practice.
- Make sure you get advice from the Office of Academic Affairsand your Faculty Advisor on what courses you need to take to prepare for the bar exam.
- Gather law-related employment affidavits from legal employers as you leave the employment. For purposes of NY admission, law-related employment is broadly defined as any employment in a law related workplace OR where the work itself involves the law, including work in an internship, law school clinic, work as a teaching or research assistant, or work in a law school department.
Your 2L-3L Years
- Make a list of the states where you plan to take the bar examination and practice law and review the dates for required submissions. Click to download the Comprehensive Guide to Bar Admission Requirementshttp://www.ncbex.org/publications/bar-admissions-guide/.
- Be particularly careful in reviewing requirements in states other than New York. For instance, NJ and CA have different filing dates. There are also states with very early filing dates: Illinois law students in their first year must file a student registration form by January 15 following the start of law studies. Georgia requires that applicants for the July bar exam file a fitness application between December-March prior to the July bar.
- During your 3L/4L year, determine where you plan to practice so that you can be sure to meet deadlines and follow the appropriate application process to register for the bar exam in that jurisdiction. Be aware that most states require you to file character and fitness papers at the same time as your application to take the exam. New York is an exception, requiring character and fitness after you’ve passed the exam.
- Continue to update the law school on any changes to information asked on your admissions application that may become relevant to the character and fitness portion of your bar application (e.g., traffic violations, arrests, etc.).
- Continue to gather law-related employment affidavits from legal employers, paid or unpaid, as you leave any employment.
- If you receive exam accommodations during law school and would like to apply for accommodations on the bar exam, speak to the Office of Student Affairs and/or a member of the bar support team early on. You should also review the test accommodations handbook from the NY Board of Law Examiners, or review the process in the jurisdiction in which you intend to apply. You will likely need to undergo renewed testing in order to receive accommodations. The bar examiners are very strict in terms of what they will accept, and who receives exam accommodations.
Your 3L Year/4L PT Year
- Visit theOffice of Academic Affairs’ Bar Exam website,https://www.law.cuny.edu/academics/bar-exam/ where you will see their videos on bar prep and bar support, bar exam information, and bar admission information.
- Take the New York Law Exam (NYLE) (see 3.1 above) within one year of taking and passing the Uniform Bar Exam.
- Enroll in Mastery and Application of Core Doctrine/Applied Legal Analysis.
- Apply to sit for the bar exam (see sections 3.2 and 3.3 above)
- Join the Bar Mentor Program (watch your email for information)
- Continue to update the law school on any information that may become relevant to the character and fitness portion of your bar application.
- Continue to gather law-related employment affidavits from legal employers.
After You’ve Taken the Bar Exam
- In New York, prepare your application for admission to the bar, including the character and fitness portion of the application. https://www.nybarexam.org/Admission/AdmissionMultiDeptPacket.htm(Note: if you are applying for admission to the bar in another state, see that state’s requirements; in many states you will need to complete the character and fitness application when you apply to sit for the bar exam.)
- The application papers may be filed only after you have received notification that you have passed the examination and have been certified to the applicable Department. The application and any further materials in connection therewith required by the Appellate Division and its Committees on Character and Fitness must be filed by you within three years from the date of the letter sent by the New York State Board of Law Examiners notifying you that you have passed the bar examination (see 22 NYCRR 520.12). IMPORTANT: A failure to timely file the application for admission may result in the applicant having to re-sit the bar examination.
- After you’ve passed the bar exam, complete the portion of the admission application that needs to be completed by the applicant and submit to the Office of Registration and Student Records Management for completion by the law school. Check out that Office’s page to get to specific instructions on what you need to do.
- Though you can’t file your application to be admitted until you’ve passed the bar exam, there are a few things you could do in the months preceding your filing:
- Go through the application questions to see whether there are any questions that may be problematic for your application. By doing that you can spot possible problems and get counseling to address them.
- Gather the law related employment affidavits and good moral character affidavits. Employment includes paid as well as unpaid volunteer positions. One of the biggest bottlenecks in the admissions process is getting your employment affidavits. Law-related employment means any employment in a law related workplace OR where the work itself involves the law. The latter is self-evident but the former isn’t: here are a few examples of law- related employment:
- Law school clinic or externship
- A teaching or research assistant to a law professor
- Working in an office of a law school department—e.g., a work study position at Career Planning at CUNY Law or your work as a receptionist at a law firm.
Note that the affidavits of a current law-related employer (current at the time of bar admission application) have a shelf life of 6 months from the time you file your application. However, staleness is not an issue for affidavits from law- related employers for whom you no longer work. The takeaway: you should start to gather employment affidavits from employers with whom you are no longer employed, right after you’ve taken the bar exam, (or earlier) but affidavits from a current legal employer should be obtained within 6 months or earlier from the time of filing.
To facilitate the process of getting the employment affidavits done, write a short note to the employer and include following information:
- A summary description of the type of work you performed for the employer.
- Your estimate of the frequency of contact you had with the person signing the affidavit. It’s a good idea to give a self-addressed stamped envelope to the person doing the affidavit.
- Most employers routinely fill out the form and send it back to you, but in the rare instance where they don’t, you should reach out to the Executive Director of Bar Preparation and Licensing, or to the Career Planning Director.
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